Hello there!

These are the tales of a single-again, 20-something-year-old, "sassy chef". I am on the road to self-(RE)discovery after the devastation of my divorce. I want to know who I am, what I want out of life, and how to get it. Things may be hard right now, but the show must go on, so I have decided to blog about every second of it. Who needs a therapist anyways, when I have you guys?!? :)

So, here I am...

Let me start off by saying...I feel that a LOT of people truly misunderstand me, but those that get me REALLY get me...

I am easy to confide in, trustworthy, and can keep a secret for ages! Once you win me over you have a friend for a lifetime...it's just winning me over that's the struggle, for I am not easily impressed...


I struggle with being too up front with people. I usually don't know when to keep my opinons to myself until it's too late. This is something I have had to mindfully and continuously work on throughout my life and it is still a work in progress.

I can be extremely indecisive in just about every aspect that one's life can cover, swinging back and forth quite frequently, but once I have made up my mind, that's it! It is made up!

I am quite OCD about certain quirky things, such as hanging all of my clothes in a color coordinated fashion, turning the volume on the radio only to increments of 5, and cursing those that don't shut the shower curtain, among other weird things that I don't know how to get over.

I have a witty, or just plain sarcastic, sense of humor that a lot of people don't get unless they know me...my life is like one big inside joke and you may never know why I am laughing. Or why I say the things I say. But I have my reasons. Trust me, I'm not crazy :)

I have a BIG heart and am very compassionate toward others. If only a girl could have the time and financial freedom to live off volunteer work alone!

I LOVE to cook and if you ask me, that is about the only true talent or creativity I posess, though my mom would say differently because all moms are supposed to.

I am obsessed with sour gummy worms and popcorn flavored jelly beans, but am not really big into too many other sweets.

The sounds of a ferocious thunderstorm lull me into the best nights of sleep and I am an early riser by choice and by circumstance, but definitely not by nature.

Lastly, but not least... I serve an AWESOME God and I desire to be close to Him more than anything else in this world!!! He is my EVERYTHING!

Friday, April 15, 2011

This is ridiculous...

Okay, so can SOMEBODY please tell me what's going on with this stupid weather? I want some answers...NOW!

I was minding my own business, getting used to the beautiful, sunny, 70's we were enjoying then all of a sudden,


The next thing I know, we are having severe thunderstorms, flash flood warnings, tornado warnings...Several schools had to let out at 1pm today. I even left work 3 hours early for fear of the weather being dangerous. It sure was yucky outside, but seriously Alabama? What a joke! For those of you who don't live here, you should see when there is even the slightest hint of snow. It's like the whole world is coming to an end and EVERYTHING shuts down! Lol!
I missed out on dying Easter eggs Easter eggs
and eating homemade pizza for some thunder and lightning and a few drops of rain? You have got to be kidding me!
Curse you lame weather!
Btw, How am I supposed to work on a tan like THIS?
This is soooo not my kind of Spring!

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