Hello there!

These are the tales of a single-again, 20-something-year-old, "sassy chef". I am on the road to self-(RE)discovery after the devastation of my divorce. I want to know who I am, what I want out of life, and how to get it. Things may be hard right now, but the show must go on, so I have decided to blog about every second of it. Who needs a therapist anyways, when I have you guys?!? :)

So, here I am...

Let me start off by saying...I feel that a LOT of people truly misunderstand me, but those that get me REALLY get me...

I am easy to confide in, trustworthy, and can keep a secret for ages! Once you win me over you have a friend for a lifetime...it's just winning me over that's the struggle, for I am not easily impressed...


I struggle with being too up front with people. I usually don't know when to keep my opinons to myself until it's too late. This is something I have had to mindfully and continuously work on throughout my life and it is still a work in progress.

I can be extremely indecisive in just about every aspect that one's life can cover, swinging back and forth quite frequently, but once I have made up my mind, that's it! It is made up!

I am quite OCD about certain quirky things, such as hanging all of my clothes in a color coordinated fashion, turning the volume on the radio only to increments of 5, and cursing those that don't shut the shower curtain, among other weird things that I don't know how to get over.

I have a witty, or just plain sarcastic, sense of humor that a lot of people don't get unless they know me...my life is like one big inside joke and you may never know why I am laughing. Or why I say the things I say. But I have my reasons. Trust me, I'm not crazy :)

I have a BIG heart and am very compassionate toward others. If only a girl could have the time and financial freedom to live off volunteer work alone!

I LOVE to cook and if you ask me, that is about the only true talent or creativity I posess, though my mom would say differently because all moms are supposed to.

I am obsessed with sour gummy worms and popcorn flavored jelly beans, but am not really big into too many other sweets.

The sounds of a ferocious thunderstorm lull me into the best nights of sleep and I am an early riser by choice and by circumstance, but definitely not by nature.

Lastly, but not least... I serve an AWESOME God and I desire to be close to Him more than anything else in this world!!! He is my EVERYTHING!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear 5:00 AM, Why must you taunt me?!?

I am laying here like a lame, old woman (no offense to those of you who really ARE old- *cough, cough*) thinking about how I am already dreading going to work at the nursing home tomorrow...

For starters, I just HATE having to get up that early!

I absolutely LOVE the residents and I love feeling like I can better what could be the last days of an elderly person's life! I just don't care much for the lack of communication in the workplace, the attitudes that we deal with from co-workers and mostly from the family members of the residents, along with miscellaneous other things that totally get on my nerves.

I guess I just have to keep my perspective on WHY I am there.
But I'm not going to lie, sometimes that is




The whole meaning of the job is quite rewarding and I have certain people that I look forward to spending time with, my favorite being Mrs. "M" who I bring Louis L'Amour books for. She is such a joy to be around and I always take away more from her than I could ever give in return. She has taught me many things about life in the short time I have known her. I could sit with her for hours, enthralled in what she has to say.
She is 90 years old and has her wits about her. She has a better memory than I do, on my good days. A frail, sharp-featured woman, she is often misunderstood and no one else really cares for her besides me and 2 other people, possibly in the world. Sometimes I wonder if her own family cares for her much because of her strong personality and her opinions that she is more than happy to share. She and I are of kindred spirits for sure! Lol! I love this lady dearly and she makes me miss my nanny! :(
Maybe one day I can be that kind of influence upon someone else's life! One can only hope...

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